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A Healthy Immune System Begins in the Gut

KAIBAE baobab powder and gut/skin resilience supplement with prebiotics, probiotics ellagic acid, beneficial nutrients to help restore your gut microbiome balance supporting gut health and skin health.

Before the onset of the COVID-19, the topic of immune health may have only come to mind when you have a runny nose, a cough, fever, aching joints with a cold, or the flu or spring allergy. The immune system is a complex set of roaming messengers that is always active; it relays information between inputs from the outside world to our cells.

The gut houses 70 % of the immune system, and its performance is shaped by our diet, interaction with the environment, and the diversity of the microbiota that live in our gut. This living layer of microbiota, also known as the gut microbiome, determines nutrient absorption, moderates inflammation and oxidative reactions that have far-reaching effects throughout the body.

Our modern urban lifestyle imposes a unique set of stressors on our health. Nutrient-poor food choices, pollution, sleep issues, and inactivity lead to a less diverse microbiome (dysbiosis) and weaken our immune system. Rates for allergies, inflammatory and auto-immune diseases, acne, and irritable bowel syndrome have risen with urbanization. These conditions are less prevalent when consuming foods naturally and living in close contact with the natural environment. Therefore, we must take extra measures to meet the demands of our new environment by addressing gut dysbiosis with better food choices and lifestyle habits.

One way to do this is to adopt a Mediterranean style diet, which is balanced in fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Combine this with eating on a regular schedule and eating more warm and fermented foods to further strengthen digestive and immune health. Centuries ago, traditional Chinese Medicine observed the close relationship between digestion and immunity and defined its imbalances as one, Spleen Damp and Spleen Qi deficiency.  This observation parallels western research on gut dysbiosis and leaky gut syndrome, where sugar, processed foods and lack of prebiotic fiber damages our ability to extract essential nutrients from our food. Another way to address gut health is by incorporating an intermittent fasting regimen, a measure we will cover in our blog series on how to support your gut microbiome, immune health, and longevity.

At KAIBAE we believe we can learn from nature to be more resilient and thrive in our increasingly urban environment.  We look to the wild where communities such as hunter-gatherer societies don't have cancer, diabetes, or heart disease to the extent we see in the westernized world and learn from their lifestyles and their environment.

Baobab fruit on the Baobab tree in Ghana Africa

Baobab fruit powder is a wild-harvested fruit that grows across the African Savanna and is rich in prebiotic fiber and antioxidants including vitamin C that increase gut microbiome diversity and improve immune function. Baobab powder, derived from the fruit of the African Tree of Life,  includes all these powerful ingredients and we believe that wild plants and especially Baobab hold the answer to thrive in the modern world. Baobab powder, with its arsenal of potent nutrients, is an excellent immune booster; Its prebiotic fiber helps balance the gut microbiome while its high levels of vitamin C ensure your immune system can do its job. It is an immune-boosting powerhouse! Baobab fruit powder is a tasty super nutrient addition to add to your smoothie, water, yogurt, oatmeal, baked goods, sauces, juices, and more. 

baobab fruit powder

Good health begins in the gut and taking care of your gut is extremely important for maintaining a healthy immune system. As we approach the colder months where colds, flu, and viruses are more prevalent and we spend more time indoors, its a great time to give your gut microbiome the attention it deserves!



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